Tips & Tricks

5 Signs you may need a rebrand

2 years ago
A blog about why your brand refresh may be long overdue and what you can do about it.

Why It May Be Time for a Rebrand

Does this sound familiar to you?

It starts slow – a text here, an icon there, and soon you’re left with a haphazard brand that doesn’t quite represent who you are. This blog post looks at why this can happen and what you can do about it.

1. Your target audience has changed.

This is the real, big reason you may need a brand refresh. Maybe when you started your business, you started out with a simple logo and it looked cool at the time, without thinking about your brand’s message of the ‘why’ behind your business. Now that you’ve settleed a bit more into your brand, and know the true target audience, you want to connect with them through strategic brand design that will help you attract the right people.

2. Your branding has become inconsistent

Maybe you feel your brand is outdated, not as quite modern as it once was, or you don’t like the overall feel of the brand. You feel slightly embarrassed to send people over to your website or hand them your business card because you’ve introduced different fonts and colours that weren’t part of your brand identity. Branding inconsistency can make your business look and feel unprofessional. But hey, that’s okay! Every business evolves and that’s very normal! If you find yourself in this predicament on a regular basis, it may be time for a brand refresh!

3. You feel like your business doesn’t stand out

Ever since the pandemic, small businesses and personal brands are growing at an unprecedented pace and that is pretty awesome! But it can be easy to get lost in a sea of businesses that delivers similar products or services. If you feel like your business doesn’t stand out, it may be time for a rebrand. The best way to solve this problem is dig deeper into your inner work on your business, discovering your unique value propositions by revising your brand’s story, mission and vision. And this can be accomplished by brand strategy.

4. You have a change in business direction

When you first started your business you focused on, for example, a providing a service. But as time went by, you find that a lot of your customers are now approaching you for, your digital workbook, for example.  When you’re making big changes in your business like this , you definitely require a rebrand as your old/current brand’s value proposition may not be portrayed correctly, or you may not be attracting the right clients or customers.

5. You want to raise your price

You feel like it’s high time you raise your prices. However, changing your price while your customer’s perception of your products or services hasn’t changed may be tricky and challenging. By rebranding strategically, you can reshape the way your customers perceive you and raise the asking price for your products or services.

Take the Quiz !

If you’re still not sure, whether it’s time for a rebrand or not, take this easy quiz to self diagnose and check how strong your Brand is at the moment.

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Meet the Blogger

Hey there, I’m Zuhura, your creative accomplice on a mission to build irresistable and recognisable brands. With a strategy-driven approach, I’ve transformed small businesses into recognisable brands that speak to the soul. 


I get it—running a small business means navigating challenges that often feel like whirlwinds. But know this—you’re not alone on this path. Together, we’ll unravel the complexities and bring your brand’s vision to life.

Is it Time for a Brand Refresh?

How do you know when it’s time for a brand refresh?

I’ve put together a quiz with 10 easy questions to help you answer that question!