Berry Babes Co.

Berry Babes Co.

Berry Babes Co., founded by Tyra and Lilly, is a handcrafted chocolate-dipped treats & cake biz. They are expanding to their first store front location & need a brand identity that’s going to help keep them cohesive & consistent!

The Goal

The mission was to design a brand identity that’s playful, feminine, and friendly, capturing the hearts of romantic, dessert-loving customers. Berry Babes Co. needed to stand out as the go-to for chocolate-dipped treats. The branding and packaging had to be versatile, with a logo that works in different formats and a memorable logomark. And, of course, the packaging had to leave a lasting impression, making every customer feel special and excited about their treats.

scope of work

Brand Identity

Illustrations & GIFs

Packaging design



Photos are not mine, they were collected from Pinterest, Google and WeHeartIt

the process

I started with a moodboard to nail down the color palette and messaging. Inspired by vibrant pinks, reds, and warm tones, it set a romantic and playful tone. 

I wanted the brand identity to feel playful, feminine and friendly. I took a creative approach to the logotype by designing a handwritten font luring romantic, dessert-loving customers. The colour palette veers towards pinks and reds to invoke galentine vibes. The logomark is a heart-shaped strawberry, positioning this brand strongly in the chocolate-dipped treats segment as a romantic and friendly dessert brand. 

illustration style

To give the brand some extra personality, I created a graphics kit of hand-drawn illustrations. These included Berry Babes Co.’s signature delicacies and other fun elements. The flat, playful, and simple illustrations let the colors shine, enhancing the brand’s cheerful character. This style brought the brand to life and provided versatile elements for various media.

Personal Touch with Handwritten Text

Adding handwritten elements gave the brand a personal touch, making each customer feel special and connected. This approach highlighted the handcrafted nature of the treats and reinforced the brand’s friendly, approachable vibe. Handwritten text conveyed warmth and authenticity, making the brand feel more human and relatable.

packaging design

The packaging was designed to be a little luxury treat for yourself. Each delivery box included a name tag with the brand’s slogan, ‘It’s always dessert time for…’ followed by the customer’s name. This personalized touch made the unboxing experience unique and delightful. Using premium materials and thoughtful design elements, the packaging felt special, reinforcing the brand’s promise of quality and indulgence.

Store Concept

For the storefront, the goal was to create a welcoming, charming atmosphere that perfectly aligns with the brand’s identity. Soft pink hues and elegant displays invite customers into a sweet, romantic escape. The store design focused on creating a memorable in-store experience, making customers feel cherished and indulged from the moment they walk in.

This photo was AI generated.

Classy Plates

Classy Plates

Meet Classy Plates, a gourmet meal box service that brings restaurant-quality meals straight to your home. Classy Plates provide their subscribers with gourmet recipes with high-quality ingredients, ready to cook.

Their customers are paying for more than just a meal subscription — they’re also getting a luxurious experience that makes them feel like royalty. They want their customers to feel like they’re dining in an exquisite restaurant, even if they’re eating at home!

The Goal

The goal for Classy Plates was to create a brand that embodies elegance and simplicity, while attracting a new target audience looking for a luxurious experience. The old brand identity was attracting the wrong audience, and the messaging felt all over the place. 


Brand Strategy

Brand Identity (Rebrand)

Website Design




brand strategy & research

Since they wanted to attract a new target audience and get a more luxurious branding, I took a strategic approach to redefine their brand message and come up with brand visuals that resonates that. We rebranded to attract individuals and families who want to serve gourmet dishes at home, impress guests, and eat like royalty — all without going to culinary school. We aimed to make gourmet cooking accessible, allowing people to enjoy high-quality meals.

The inspiration came from upscale restaurants and classic culinary presentations. During the brand strategy, we discovered how much visual inspiration was drawn from the Netflix series The Menu (2022). The color palette was directly inspired by the sophisticated and luxurious tones featured in the series.

the process

We developed a sophisticated yet approachable brand voice. We drew the letters ‘C’ and ‘P’ in a cursive style and combined them to resemble the garnish leaves typically found on gourmet meals. This logo represents aesthetically presented gourmet meals that customers can now enjoy at home. The logomark features this symbol placed on a plate, adding to the overall elegant feel.

logo variations

packaging design

The packaging showcases custom patterns and the classy logo, making every meal feel special. The use of eco-friendly materials adds to the brand’s luxurious yet responsible image. 

Photography style

The photography style incorporates lots of blues and depicts happy dinner moments with friends and family. Often, the cook is dressed up in chef attire to emphasize the message of “bringing the chef out of you at home.”

website design

The Classy Plates website is designed to be as refined and user-friendly as the meal boxes themselves. We added a blog section to share recipes, cooking tips, and stories, fostering a sense of community among Classy Plates customers.

The Tea Collective

The Tea Collective

The Tea Collective is an award-winning Australian boutique tea store. They are all about celebrating the art of tea drinking with beautifully crafted products that elevate the everyday ritual of tea time.

the goal

When the founder, Becci Fowler, reached out to us, the goal for The Tea Collective was two-fold: first, to elevate their existing packaging designs for certain products because the current designs didn’t align with their brand identity. Second, to create new packaging designs for their new product, the Gift Collection. This new line needed to reflect the luxury and specialness of their offerings.

scope of work

Brand Pattern

Packaging & label design


Icon design

Marketing Collateral


Food & Beverage

the process

We started by understanding the brand’s identity, market positioning, and customer expectations. o make the brand identity stronger and more recognizable, we designed a unique brand pattern using the logomark, the leaves. This pattern became a central element in the design for various products including candles, tea infusers, and teapot packaging.

brand pattern

The new pattern design features thin, elegant curves that mimic the orientation of the text in the logo and the brand’s submark. This pattern is simple yet sophisticated, creating a unified look across all packaging materials.

custom icons

To enhance the usability and user experience of The Tea Collective’s products, we designed custom icons that clearly explain how to use their products. These icons were integrated into the packaging, providing a visually appealing and informative guide for customers.

Gift Box packaging

The gift collection packaging includes both the box and the label, designed to offer a luxurious unboxing experience. The goal was to create packaging that feels special and luxurious, perfect for gifts. Each gift box design features unique patterns and illustrations that align with the overall brand identity and enhance the gifting experience.

Gift Box Labels

For the label design, we aimed for a minimalistic approach with clean borders and icons. Each label is tailored to the specific collection, featuring illustrations that represent the contents, making it easy for customers to identify the different offerings. The use of gold foil on the labels added a luxurious and high-end feel to the overall design.

the lookbook

We also revamped The Tea Collective’s lookbook for wholesale, ensuring it matches the new brand aesthetics. The updated lookbook is designed to showcase the products in an elegant, appealing way, making it a valuable tool for attracting and informing potential wholesale partners.

illustrations for postcards

And finally, we created custom illustrations for postcards included in their packages. These postcards feature beautiful, hand-drawn illustrations that align with the brand’s aesthetic and add a personal touch to each package, enhancing the overall customer experience. 

By tailoring illustrations to different seasons, The Tea Collective can connect with customers more effectively. The spring and summer illustration is bright and cheerful, while the fall and winter illustration is cozy and warm. This seasonal relevance make the products feel more timely and thoughtful.



Blooma is a flower shop run by a married couple who found each other through their shared love for the florist industry.

They wanted to fill in the gaps where other florists fell short, that’s why Blooma offers a selection of services for anyone wanting to spruce up their home, office or other spaces with the jewels of nature – flowers!

Customers can choose between stunning premade arrangements and bouquets, curate their own by mixing and matching, or leave it completely in the experts hands to make something custom.


Brand Identity, Logo variations, Graphic elements.


Floral & GIfts

the process

We wanted to create a romantic brand identity inspired by the timeless elegance of French style, focusing on a dark, cozy, and intimate vibe. Think classic Parisian boutiques with a touch of refined luxury and charm. Our goal was to make Blooma feel special and unforgettable, perfect for anyone looking for high-quality floral arrangements and a unique experience.

Colour palette

Royal sundance emerald green, which we gave the name ‘LUXE’, seemed to be the perfect memorable color, paired with romantic red, chic light pink, and beige to create an elegant and inviting atmosphere. Luxe became the primary colour and you’ll find it all over their branding.

The Palms Villa

The Palms Villa

The Palms Villa is a luxurious fictional private boutique hotel. Situated in the heart of Tanzania, Tanga, with stunning sea view and hidden between the majestic Peponi gardens of the Kwabada Forest park that are stretched behind the Villa, the Villa is a fusion of both traditional and modern Tanzanian and Italian culture. The original structure of the building was a colonial building which was then renovated to a luxurious modern villa, with interior styling that combines contemporary art, antiques and design.

the goal

The aim was to craft a brand identity that mirrors the villa’s luxury and evokes the serene, welcoming vibe of its natural surroundings. I wanted to position The Palms Villa as a perfect retreat that harmonizes modern comfort with rich cultural heritage.




Photography style 



creative direction

My vision for this project was inspired by memories of standing on a serene beach surrounded by lush greenery. The goal was to create a brand identity that mirrors the villa’s luxury and serene surroundings. I translated these experiences into mood boards and sketches, focusing on organic shapes, tranquil hues, and elegant typography. Since there were no real photos available, I used AI-generated stock photos to bring the brand to life.

the process

The building’s original hand-carved wooden shutters for their arched windows were a standout feature. Inspired by these unique elements, I created a memorable logomark featuring the arched window design to capture the villa’s historical essence. Additionally, I designed a secondary logomark depicting a palm tree and waves, reminding guests of the villa’s proximity to both the sea and lush green forest.

colours, pattern & icons

The colour palette features soft, earthy tones inspired by the natural surroundings of the villa. The repeating geometric pattern draws inspiration from the arched windows of the building, providing a cohesive visual element that ties the entire brand together. 

The icons, designed with a minimalist approach, depict various amenities and features of the villa. Each icon is simple yet elegant, ensuring they are easily recognizable and contribute to the overall luxurious feel of the brand.



Frosted is the newest and best-est coffee and donuts shop to make all your mornings better! Whenever you need a good pick-me-up, Frosted will be there and ready to smother you in love and sugar!

This passion project is all about combining the comforting warmth of freshly brewed coffee with the joy of delicious, creatively crafted donuts. Frosted’s mission is to make people feel better and bring a smile to people’s faces – no matter how tired and hangry they are.

The Goal

The goal with Frosted was to build a brand that feels like a friendly, welcoming spot where classic flavors meet modern twists. I wanted to create a look and feel that draws in coffee and donut lovers and makes them feel right at home.


Brand Identity

Logo variations

Graphic elements

Website Design




The Process

I started by looking at popular coffee shops and bakeries to see what works and what doesn’t. I gathered ideas from both traditional and trendy places.I created a simple illustration of a wrapped doughnut and hot coffee cup to illustrate what Frosted is mostly famous for, that would then be used in the logo and in the brand pattern.
For the logo type, I used a rough, bold, retro font to mimic coffee stain.


Patterns are a big part of Frosted’s look. One standout design is a retro checkered pattern that adds a fun, nostalgic touch. These patterns show up everywhere to give the brand a unique and recognizable style.

The Packaging

The packaging had to be as cute and fun as the donuts and coffee. I took inspiration from retro coffee shops to design eco-friendly boxes and cups with our custom patterns and logo. The goal was to make the unboxing experience special for every customer.

The Website

The website is an online extension of Frosted’s cozy vibe. Key features include, Simple menus so customers can find what they need quickly, Beautiful photos and engaging content that tell Frosted’s story and a fun, easy-to-use menu that shows off their coffee and donuts.



Wrappers is a sustainable and recycled hijab brand. The goal of this brand design project was to create a branding that communicates the main values what the brand represents and to create a visually coherent feel for the brand.


Website Design



Deeper meaning behind the design

I wanted to create a story for this brand. Wrappers makes hijabs from a versatile and sustainable raw material – Hemp, which uses way less water than cotton. They also support fair trade which means your money reaches the farmers and workers. They follow a direct trade policy where they invest in textile communities in developing countries to produce high quality sustainable hijabs. 

I customised the letter ‘w’ to mimic the scarf flipped over the shoulder. A sans serif font was used to make the brand appear more approachable & friendly.

The colour palette

Website Mockup (hover to scroll)